Distributed Computing Technology:
   ->“Distributed computing” is all about designing and building applications as a
    set of processes that are distributed across a network.
   ->To achive something called as Distributed computing technology based applications,
    Webservices is the one of the best technology
   ->It is a Web API described in WSDL (Web Service Description Language),
    and Web services are usually self-contained and self-describing.
   ->Web Services can be accessed by any language, using any component model,
    running on any operating system.
   ->Web service is a way of communication that allows interoperability between
    different applications on different platforms,
    for example, a java based application on Windows can communicate with a .Net based
    one on Linux.
   ->The communication can be done through a set of XML messages over HTTP protocol.
   ->web services are language independent,browser independent,platform independent,
    so once we convert our application(java or .net or other) into web services,
    then other applications can communicate with our application
   ->By using web services we can re use the code.
    For Example,One project is developed for one company,same company requires
    another project that is developed in .net,
    After that some data is required to transfer from one project to other,in this
    situation also we can use web services
   ->Web service system dedicated for supporting machine-to-machine transactions
    over a network.
   ->Web services can be discovered using UDDI (Universal Description,
    Discovery and Integration) protocol.
    By exchanging SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages typically over
    HTTP (with XML),other systems can interact with Web services.
   ->In java To develope webservices we can use two ways
    1)SOAP protocolo based (Simple Object Access Protocol) by using JAX-WS
    (Java API for XML Webservices) API
    2)REST architecture based (Representation State Transfer) by using JAX-RS
    (Java API for Restful WebServices) API