Friday 1 November 2013

Jackrabbit Repository jar,war download

Jackrabbit standalone-2.6.4.jar download.Click below link

=>Use this command to create Jackrabbit repository and start that 

=>java -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.6.4.jar -port 2629

=>We can use any port(Without conflicts to other services)

=>When we run the above command jackrabbit repository file will create,so that we can store files,and we can download files from jackrabbit.

=>To see how the files are storing into jackrabbit we can use jackrabbit explorer war file

Jackrabbit war download.Click below link

=>After download this war,just deploy into any server(Tomcat or other) .

=>Access the jackrabbit explorer as follows


=>Default user name and passwords are admin,admin

=>Just change port number of jackrabbit,what we assigned (2629) and login,It will open jackrabbit explorer


  1. Hi I changed RMI URL to http://localhost:2629/rmi
    I am still not able to log in
    plase help me with this.

  2. java -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.6.4.jar -port 2629
    If this is working fine,you will definetly login easily

  3. I am using Local File System for my repository. Is there any application for viewing nodes and performing operation on it.

    If my repository is stored on sql, then how to configure it with RMI.

    My mail:
