Friday 1 November 2013

Jackrabbit Repository jar,war download

Jackrabbit standalone-2.6.4.jar download.Click below link

=>Use this command to create Jackrabbit repository and start that 

=>java -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.6.4.jar -port 2629

=>We can use any port(Without conflicts to other services)

=>When we run the above command jackrabbit repository file will create,so that we can store files,and we can download files from jackrabbit.

=>To see how the files are storing into jackrabbit we can use jackrabbit explorer war file

Jackrabbit war download.Click below link

=>After download this war,just deploy into any server(Tomcat or other) .

=>Access the jackrabbit explorer as follows


=>Default user name and passwords are admin,admin

=>Just change port number of jackrabbit,what we assigned (2629) and login,It will open jackrabbit explorer

SOAP WebService Using Apache CXF Example with Service and Client (Bottom To Top Approach)

=>First Develope One interface.Develope your own methods.

=>These methods i want to expose as a FirstService

=>Just Create Normal Java interface with @WebService Annotation only

package com.service;

import javax.jws.WebService;

public interface FirstService {

public String methodOne();

public int methodTwo();


=>Provide the implementation for Above Interface

=>Just add extra annotation @WebService(endpointInterface="com.service.FirstService")
     End point means interface name with package only

package com.service.impl;

import javax.jws.WebService;

public class FirstServiceImpl implements FirstService {

public FirstServiceImpl() {
System.out.println("+++++From FirstServiceImpl+++");

public String methodOne() {
System.out.println("+++From FirstServiceImpl methodOne()+++");
return "k fine";

public int methodTwo() {
System.out.println("+++From FirstServiceImpl methodTwo()+++");
return 100;

=>Add Maven Dependencies for Spring with Apache CFX




<!-- Jetty is needed if you're are not using the CXFServlet -->







<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="firstService" class="com.iton.FirstServiceImpl">
<jaxws:endpoint implementorClass="com.iton.FirstServiceImpl" implementor="#firstService"                address="/firstService">

=>Deploy the Project into the server(Tomcat or any other)

=>After deployment successfull this file will generate automatically.

=>It is the responsibility of apache cxf to identify webservice annotation and convert our java programs into wsdl file as webservice .

=> All Services exposed by us is displayed in this file,This is the WSDL file

=>WSDL : {}FirstServiceImplService ,click on this link,WSDL of this service will display as follows

=>By using this url only we can generate java files(By using these java files only client can communicate with this service)

=>Copy the url(http://localhost:8090/SoapServiceExample/firstService?wsdl) and go to command prompt
     and use this command to generate java programs(or Stubs).

=>wsimport -keep -s D:\eclipseWorkspace\SOAP\SoapServiceClientExample\src      http://localhost:8090/SoapServiceExample/firstService?wsdl

=>D:\eclipseWorkspace\SOAP\SoapServiceClientExample\src. I am just telling where to copy those generate java files for client program,I am using eclipse so that i put these java files directly into my eclipse work space

=>SoapServiceClientExample is my client project for to access the services.

=>Client Program

package com.iton.client;

import com.service.FirstService;
import com.service.impl.FirstServiceImplService;

public class FirstServiceClient {

public static void main(String args[]) {
//Getting FirstServiceImplService class,In stubs automatically class extension adding with     Service
FirstServiceImplService firstServiceImplService=new FirstServiceImplService();
//From this Service class we are getting our Interface by using getFirstServiceImplPort(),in stubs our class preceeds with get and extension as Port is created automatically
FirstService firstService=firstServiceImplService.getFirstServiceImplPort();
//From interface calling methods
System.out.println("From FirstSrvice methodOne::"+firstService.methodOne());
System.out.println("From FirstSrvice methodTwo::"+firstService.methodTwo());


From FirstSrvice methodOne::k fine
From FirstSrvice methodTwo::100